Housing needs, a limited workforce, unstable economies, and rising energy costs need rapid construction solutions.  Modular developments rapidly provide the development needs for communities across Canada. Working with our fabricators we successfully build modular developments today.


The better way to build. Increased safety, increased efficiency, accelerated construction, cost certainty, schedule certainty, and enhanced quality control.

Modular construction has evolved. B Modular’s experience and 45 years of ICI and residential construction, can build your vision and apply the most advanced modular designs to build modular developments up to 50 stories.

Safety | Built on Safety Delivered with Confidence

Modular construction significantly reduces four of the major hazards in construction sites by minimizing the need for working at heights, reducing the risk of being struck by falling objects, vehicular accidents, and crush injuries. With 80% of construction occurring indoors in controlled environments, modular minimizes the impact of adverse weather conditions and reduces manual handling injuries and slips, trips, and falls through cleaner working environments and organized sites.

Quality | Precision every step of the way

Controlled manufacturing environments and stringent quality control measures, ensure uniformity and precision. This minimizes errors, defects, and material waste, resulting in higher-quality end products that meet or exceed building codes and regulations. Ultimately, this leads to greater durability, reliability, and client satisfaction. 

Certainty | Build on time on budget

Schedule and cost certainty are crucial benefits in modular construction because a controlled manufacturing environment allows for precise planning and streamlined processes, reducing delays and cost overruns. With modules being prefabricated offsite, construction schedules are more predictable, enabling stakeholders to plan and coordinate efficiently. Assembly line production and standardized components in modular construction contribute to cost certainty by minimizing material waste, labour expenses, and unforeseen on-site issues, ultimately resulting in projects being completed on time and within budget. 

Technology | Revolutionizing construction with technology

The use of technology enhances efficiency, precision, and innovation. Advanced technologies like Building Information Modeling (BIM) and robotics streamline design, fabrication, and coordination, reducing errors and improving collaboration. Additionally, technologies such as laser scanning, and 360 degree cameras aid in visualization verification and problem-solving, quality control, all leading to a more cost-effective and high-quality construction solution. 

Speed | Integrated design and construction for accelerated timelines

The speed of construction is a critical advantage of modular construction due to its ability to significantly reduce project timelines. By prefabricating modules offsite in a controlled environment, construction can proceed concurrently with site preparation, leading to faster completion times compared to traditional construction. This accelerated construction process not only minimizes site disruption to surrounding areas but also increases site safety and reduces site costs. 

Sustainability | Building a greener future with sustainable modular construction

Modular construction minimizes the environmental impact of a project throughout the construction process. Modular construction involves efficient use of materials, reduces waste generation, and can optimize energy consumption. Modular design can easily incorporate sustainable features such as energy-efficient systems, renewable energy sources, and green building materials. By promoting resource conservation and reducing carbon footprint, modular construction contributes to a more environmentally friendly, sustainable, and resilient built environment. 


Our vertically integrated partnerships with our fabricators provide insight into the complexity of modular development. This partnership is essential for successful modular development projects due to their direct impact on the overall quality, schedule, reliability, and success of a project. With collaborative and like-minded fabricators, we can ensure that complex designs can be delivered to the site safely, and on time and will reduce site disruptions.

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Buttcon Modular respectfully acknowledges that our office is on the Traditional Territory of many Nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat, Ojibway/Chippewa, and the Algonquin Anishinabek who have lived on these lands for generations.    Buttcon Modular respects and affirms the inherent and Treaty Rights of all Indigenous Peoples across this land and we honour the commitments to self-determination and sovereignty we have made to all First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, for their contributions to these lands’ past, present, and future. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work and live on these territories that we now call Canada.

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