Chippewas of Rama Benson Affordable Housing Modular Project

Orillia, ON

About this Project

Owner:  Chippewas of Rama First Nations

Delivery:  CM | CCDC 5b

Size:  36,800 sqft

Building Height:  2 storeys

Units:  44

The RAMA Benson Affordable Housing Modular Project, located in Orillia, Ontario, is a significant development initiative. This project involves the construction of two 2-storey residential buildings on the land of the Chippewas of Rama First Nation. These buildings will be constructed using wood-framed modulars, a type of prefabricated construction. The modulars will be manufactured offsite, which offers benefits in terms of construction timelines. Once completed, these buildings will provide multi-family community housing. The project is part of a larger effort to address the affordable housing crisis. The site is strategically located on Benson Road, one of the roads recently transferred to the First Nation. 

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