YMCA Camp Chief Hector Phase 1

Exshaw, AB

About this Project

Owner:  YMCA

Delivery:  DB | CCDC 14

Size:  2,325 sqft

Building Height:  1 storeys

Modular Blocks:  2

The YMCA Camp Chief Hector is a significant design-build project that involved the complete demolition of existing structures and the subsequent construction of two new state-of-the-art modular wash facilities. Buttcon led the project as design/build partner and was responsible for overseeing all the core aspects of the construction process. The modular structure was a crucial element in this project, as it was instrumental in expediting the construction process and contributing significantly to the overall success of the project This new facility will greatly enhance the quality of life for the staff working at the camp and the young camp users of the YMCA. This is because the final product was designed with several key features in mind. It was meant to be highly durable, requiring minimal maintenance. It was also designed to be safe and accessible, ensuring that all users can utilize the facilities without any issues. Lastly, the design is modern, ensuring that the facilities remain relevant and appealing for many years to come.

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